2019- Outreachy Intern, Openstack Working on adding RAID support for Redfish to Ironic and the sushy library and corresonding RAID storage resource emulation to sushy-tools.
2018 Software Engineering Intern, Microsoft IDC, Hyderabad Worked in a team of 5 for developing a web app for effective visualization of IoT data diagrammatically. Skills used: JavaScript, Typescript, REST APIs, Office Fabric UI, Asynchronous Programming, Azure IoT Hub, Sharepoint
2017 Software Engineering Intern, Microsoft IDC, Hyderabad Worked in a team of 4 for developing a tool for augmenting the existing web surfing experience in the Edge browser. Skills used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, C#. REST APIs, Azure/Bing Search APIs
2015- Integrated Dual Degree (B.Tech + M.Tech) in Electrical Engg, IIT(BHU) Varanasi 9.05/10
2007-15 City Montessori School 97.50%
Reduces the execution time of the meta-heuristic algorithm in arriving at the final result by parallellizing iterations using master-slave model via MPI on a cluster of Raspberry Pi’s.
Implemented the grey wolf optimization algorithm and whale optimization algorithm in C++ and corresponding hybrid algorithm to solve the NP-hard Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem.
Used OpenCV for image processing for colour and number detection and corresponding locomotion using the shortest path A* algorithm aiming at picking and dropping numbered boulders from/into cavities according to given specifications.
* Please see my Github profile for other projects and pull-request contributions.
Code.Fun.Do Campus Hackathon Runner Ups organized by Microsoft (2016) and represented college at National level finishing all milestones.
Winners for Bizcraft, Case Study Event at Prastuti, IIT-BHU (2016)
E-yantra National Robotics Competition - qualified at Campus level and represented college at National level working on a full-fledged robotics kit.